Hit the Trail with Confidence: How GMRS Radios Offer Unparalleled Communication on or off grid
GMRS radios, or General Mobile Radio Service radios, have become a popular communication tool for Jeep owners. These radios operate on higher frequencies compared to the typical citizen band (CB) radios, making them a better option for off-road Jeep enthusiasts. With GMRS radios, Jeep owners can communicate with other vehicles and stay connected even in remote locations.
GMRS radios come in handheld or mobile versions and offer various features such as weather alerts and channel scan capabilities. Although a license is required by the FCC to operate GMRS radios, they remain an affordable and convenient means of staying connected while on the go. On or Off grid.
With the included 22 GMRS channels, you'll have universal connection to all other GMRS radios; meaning you can talk to the other walkie-talkies, both GMRS and FRS.
Families and weekend warriors alike should consider GMRS for keeping in touch.
What is GMRS?
The General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) is a licensed radio service for short-distance, two-way voice communications. If you walk into any department store and purchase a walkie-talkie, you likely just purchased a GMRS or FRS radio.
GMRS is easy to use and doesn't require programming, making it the perfect radio service for anyone.
GMRS frequencies operate in the UHF range which perform better in wooded environments, around town, or any situation where there are obstructions. Read our blog post for more information on VHF vs UHF.
What Is FRS?
Family Radio Service (FRS) radios use the same frequency range and channels as GMRS, but operate at a lower power and do not require an FCC license to use. Because of the wattage restriction, the usable range of FRS is limited.
Why Rugged GMRS?
Rugged's mobile GMRS radios offer superior range on channels 15-22. The FCC regulates transmission wattage on a per channel basis, and our GMR45 radio takes full advantage of this fact.
With the included 22 GMRS channels, you'll have universal connection to all other GMRS radios; meaning you can talk to the other walkie-talkies, both GMRS and FRS.
- Channels 1-7 are limited by the FCC up to 2 watts of power for FRS transmissions and up to 5 watts for GMRS.
- Channels 8-14 are limited to 0.5 watts of power on both FRS and GMRS.
- Channels 15-22 are where things get very interesting, and where our mobile radios really shine.
In this channel range, FRS can transmit at 2 watts, but a GMRS mobile unit is allowed a whopping 50 watts of power on mobile units! If you need to transmit while in a remote location, these channels will allow maximum wattage during transmission. During an emergency situation, this can be critical. Our GMR45 mobile radio can fully utilize the 45 watts of power for well over 20 miles of transmission range. The GMR25 is a waterproof 25-watt GMRS radio that offers incredible range and rugged performance.
Rugged GMRS radios, both mobile and handheld, have the option of utilizing tone codes, allowing Jeep owners to have secure communication with their group or team. This is an important feature for off-road enthusiasts who want to communicate with their group without tons of cross traffic from others on the trail.
Mobile Radio or Handheld?
GMRS radios come in handheld or mobile versions and offer various features such as weather alerts and channel scan capabilities. Although a license is required by the FCC to operate GMRS radios, they remain an affordable and convenient means of staying connected while on the go.
If you're using the radio in a vehicle, a mobile radio is the best option. Our large external antenna provides range that isn't possible with a handheld unit. The mobile radio is powered directly by the vehicle's battery and therefore will always have power. Rugged mobile kits are designed for easy install and we have video tutorials online that walk you through installation, as well as a tech team to answer any of your questions. Best of all, our GMRS mobile radios are compatible with any GMRS handhelds and walkie-talkies are readily available in most retail stores.
Handheld radios have their advantages too. They are great for spotters outside of vehicles, who are in close range and need a way to relay info to a driver. They are also convienent for anything outdoors. With a built in NWR weather channel, you have continious weather information from the nearest NWS office.
Furthermore, our handheld GMR2 radios allow you to listen to FM radio and also boasts a listen only VHF channel.
Do I need a license for GMRS radios?
A license is required to operate GMRS radios. It's simple and relatively inexpensive to obtain the GMRS license and the license legally covers everyone in your immediate family. Click here to follow along with our step-by-step guide to getting your GMRS license.
Whether you're hitting the trails on the weekend, a passionate Jeep enthusiast, or simply an outdoor aficionado, GMRS may be the perfect radio for you, your family, or your Jeep club.
Questions about which radio is right for you? Give us a call, we're here to help: 1-888-541-7223
Photo courtesy of Jimmy Cannon